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WIP Wednesday: Sweater Weather!

I actually have two sweaters on the needles right now, but I'm only able to share one on my blog (the other is a test knit for a not-yet-released pattern!). Over the weekend, I started my sleeves for the Chill Chaser KAL: as you can see, I opted for two-at-a-time on magic loop. While I never seem to suffer from Second Sock Syndrome, I almost always get Second Sleeve Syndrome; I also find sleeves two-at-a-time to be a practical choice: you are pretty much guaranteed that your sleeves will match up, both in terms of length and placement of increases/decreases.

I had some pretty new yarn sent to me recently and couldn't resist casting on for a small project to see how it knit up. The yarn is a new exclusive base available at A Good Yarn Sarasota - it's called A Good Yarn Fingering, and it's hand-dyed by Yarn Love. Currently, you have to call them to order this yarn, but soon they will have it available for purchase online. The name of the colorway I got is Autumn Jewels, which happened to coincide nicely with the Hops & Hanks Fall KAL that's happening right now! I decided to re-knit a pattern from my back catalog, the Sweetest Baby Socks:

I haven't worked much on my Wedge socks recently, but they have grown a bit since I last posted a photo. These are my primary knitting-on-the-go project, so I haven't had many opportunities to pick them up recently, but I might have to start knitting on them at home. They are going to be so pretty, if only I can finish them! I'm looking forward to getting something else off the needles so that I have more time to devote to them next month:

Since finishing the FreshStitches Mystery CAL, I have been fighting the urge to start a new crochet project. Over the weekend, I signed up for Stacey's Amigurumi: Design Your Own Monster class on Craftsy (it was on sale for just $9.99!), and then my FreshStitches Kit Club shipment arrived yesterday! Hopefully I can stay strong and focus on my current WIPS, but I make no promises!

What's on your needles this week?


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