Over the holiday weekend, a fellow Raveler knitting my Heliotrope Stockings kindly pointed out an error in the stitch count for the largest size. As a designer who is still learning the ropes, I can't stress enough how much I appreciate everyone's feedback - and I REALLY appreciate it when they're super-cool and do so in a polite, respectful manner (so thanks again to ContinentalKim for being both helpful AND rad!) . It's always disappointing to find out a mistake or two escaped your notice, but unfortunately, these things happen - and the mathematical side of things has never been my favorite aspect when designing and writing patterns...though I do recognize it's arguably one of the most important areas, and it would be nice if someday we could all be friends. So with that long-winded introduction in mind, I'd like to formally announce that I goofed - and that anyone who is knitting the largest size of the Heliotrope Stockings needs to be aware that the...
compulsive craftiness in the midwest - knitting, crocheting, handspinning, cross stitch, quilting & more.