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Fiber Friday!

I'll share my completed project for the Fresh Stitches Archer Mystery CAL next week (I'm still assembling it!), and of course, I don't have any FO's that I am at liberty to share today. Hence, I decree today to be Fiber Friday!

My order from the Craftsy Holiday Sale arrived last weekend: Skacel Hikoo SimpliWorsted, Cascade Covington and Universal Yarns' Limerick....all things I don't need (or have specific projects in mind for their use, for that matter), but they're certainly good for keeping the stash healthy. The price was certainly right - and, if you missed out on the sale, I notice that a lot of these yarns are still available to purchase via the links above. C'mon, you know you want to join me down the slippery slope!

The Craftsy photos are nicer than mine!

While I'm shamelessly enabling, Craftsy has some great deals on knitting books such as Rebecca Danger's Knit a Monster Nursery! Too bad I already got my copy, but at least you can benefit from this knowledge. I also spied Cap Sease's Cast On Bind Off and some Knitter's Pride DPN's for a nice price....yep, that slope is just impossibly slippery.

Getting back to the realm of fiber.... I started taking Felicia Lo's Spinning Dyed Fibers Craftsy Class last weekend, which inspired me start spinning the Merino/Silk roving I bought from Miss Babs at Stitches Midwest this past August. I'm going to give Navajo plying a try once I've spun through this fiber, so stay tuned for an update on how that goes (I might practice on a few leftover singles first, this stuff is too nice to goof up with any plying mishaps).

I hope you have a wonderfully crafty weekend! If you're looking for a little FO Friday fun, be sure to stop by the Tami's Amis blog!


  1. Oh, I just LOVE deliveries from the mailman! I have seen the monster nursery patterns on Ravelry. They all look so adorable.

  2. Yes, I think the arrival of the mail is the highlight of my day - I do a LOT of online shopping!


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