At the end of last year, I bought a ton of wooden cross stitch blanks, intending to stitch up some cute holiday ornaments to give as gifts. But then a bunch of stuff happened, and they ended up sitting in my craft room for the next nine months, untouched. It wasn't until another bout of arm and hand pain reared its ugly head recently that I decided to pick them up. Once I did, I was hooked - and once I discovered that Shangri-La lace weight yarn from Bijou Basin Ranch was perfect for stitching, I became totally obsessed! At first I would look up other people's projects to use as a guide, but I quickly started experimenting and playing around with my own ideas. Before I knew it, every single blank I'd purchased from this Etsy shop had been used. Naturally, I bought another batch of blanks and I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival (they ship from the Ukraine). I'm excited to play around with more fun colors and designs! Don't worry, I'm still knitti
compulsive craftiness in the midwest - knitting, crocheting, handspinning, cross stitch, quilting & more.