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Showing posts from October, 2020

In Memoriam: Robin

I can't believe it's been two weeks since we said goodbye to Robin (and it's been just barely a year since his sister passed away ).  I know that 18 years is a really long time for a cat to live - especially one who's had a terminal illness for ten of those years - but it still sucks, and we miss our little guy. He endured a lot to be here: daily fluid sessions, a variety of medications, prescription food. It was always on his terms though - he decided every day whether or not he wanted to cooperate. For ten years he did. When he stopped, we respected his wishes and knew it was time to let him go.   Thankfully, even though things are still pandemic-y here (and everywhere...uggh), we were able to be in the room with him, while wearing masks of course. 2020 has definitely become the year of "I never though I would have to do _____" and that is just another in a series of things I've added to that list.  Moving during a pandemic wasn't fun, either, but I...