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Showing posts from December, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

1.  Learn entrelac! Armed with Gwen Bortner's latest book, I am confident I can master this technique.   2.  Get my teeth cleaned.  For serious.  Like many people, I hate going to the dentist more than anything else, but I can put it off no longer.  3.  Get a physical.  It's been a while...longer than I'd care to admit.  Not a good thing to put off! 4.  Start working through the design to-do list in earnest....because it keeps getting longer. 5.  Knit Tyler a sweater.  Finally, after ten and a half years of us being together, he will finally have a hand-knit sweater!  Albeit, it will look like all of his other sweaters (a black V-neck, perhaps with some ribs, but nothing fancy - he's just a basic guy.)  But this one will be extra warm and made with love!!  6.  Master colorwork knitting.  I've made several colorwork projects that have turned out quite nicely, but specifically, I want to be able...

best records of 2010

1.  Superchunk, Majesty Shredding - This album is amazing.  I think this is the greatest Superchunk album since Foolish .  It's hard to say, though, because it's tough for them to make a 'just ok' record.  'Digging for Something' was in my head for at least a week after I bought this.  And I didn't mind! 2.  Grinderman, 2 - It's hard to say what Nick Cave will do next; he always has a surprise in store.  While I did like the first Grinderman album, I find that I don't really listen to it that much.  Not so with this one - I've been listening to it tons since it came out!  In all honesty, it sounds like a Bad Seeds record - which makes me wonder if the Bad Seeds are done for good and this is the next phase for Mr. Cave.  Regardless, he's getting better and better with age. 3.  Beach House, Teen Dream - I resisted the awesomeness of this album at first.  It's true, I didn't want to like it - don't ask me why.  I'm cl...

santa's got a knitting bag

enjoying some holiday catnip ohhh man, was santa ever good to me this year.  i received many thoughtful, useful and fantastic non-knitting gifts this year, to be sure.  tyler and i had a great time in kansas city, and though it was quite the whirlwind trip, we packed a lot into the three days we spent in town.  i was quite productive on the train ride to and fro (more on that, and my trip to the yarn shop, in a later post!).  better yet, when we got home, the cats were both happy to see us and robin looked healthy and well-hydrated (which we were a bit concerned about - he didn't receive any fluids while we were gone, but followed the vet's instruction to give him extra fluids the day we left town, and then get him caught up when we returned.  we now know that we can leave town for 3 days and he will be ok, which is a small comfort.  that is, however, probably our max.) at any rate, there are some new, enticing additions to my knitting library - i hard...

happy holidaze

in a few days, we'll be on our way to kansas city for the holidays - hope everyone has a great time with their loved ones and safe travels! before i leave town, just thought i'd share another photo of the beautiful shawlette i received for my birthday, complete with yarn and pattern details. pattern:  haruni (available for free on ravelry) yarn:  malabrigo sock in 'terracotta' it's snowing in chicago tonight, and really putting me in the holiday spirit - makes me want to finish the sport-weight sweater that's been on the backburner for the past month or so as i scramble to finish my gift knitting.  really looking forward to that seven-hour train can bet i'm strategically planning out my knitting projects for the journey!

randomness - not just knitting

it's crunch time - i just realized i have less than a week before i leave town for the holidays, and of course, not enough time to accomplish all that i need to do before that happens.  i'm sure 99% of the population is in the same boat (or a similar one) as i am right now.  at any rate, here's a summary of what's been shaking this past week: 1.  shalloboi played our holiday show at martyr's on monday.  this is the first time merilee has played cello with us, and we didn't have a whole lot of prep time beforehand - everyone's schedule has been understandably crazy this month, so we really only had one full-band practice prior to the show.  and yet, it went really well - perhaps better than if we were feeling well-rehearsed - sometimes a little fear is good for you.  check out this video clip and judge for yourself! 2.  robin is doing well - he has to get fluids every day now, but he's still fighting the good fight.  he's even mildly tolerati...

nest egg redux

solis! this pattern was released earlier in the year, but i have since updated it with expanded sizing - now both children and adults can sport this fast-knitting cabled beanie!  links are below and on the pattern page (on right-hand navigation bar) to purchase via paypal.  enter "nestegg2010" (or click here to purchase - coupon code will automatically be applied ) for 15% your entire pattern purchase from now 'til the end of the year - happy knitting! buy now | add to cart | show cart yarn: one skein malabrigo rios (shown in 'solis' and 'ravelry red') needles:  set of US #7 DPN's and US#7 circular needles notions: cable needle ravelry red! stitch marker darning needle sizes:  Child (Adult S, Adult L) finished measurements:  16" (20", 24") circumference pattern details:  pattern is knit from the bottom-up in the round.  both written instructions and chart are included. 


GlĆ¼wein! last night we finally made it to the christkindlmarket - hopefully not our last visit this season.  our mission?  drink a few boots-worth of glĆ¼wein, and get some bird ornaments for the tree! i think we were successful on both fronts, but i'll let you be the judge of that. tyler and i both love the christkindlmarket .  it's a schlocky tourist trap, yes, but anywhere you can get a bavarian pretzel (or potato pancake, or bratwurst) and  a nice boot filled with hot spiced wine can't be all bad.  daley plaza always looks so pretty with the little booths and christmas lights, and it's become a tradition for us to go at least a couple of times and drink in the spirit of the season. yum! we always make a point to go to the sweet house, although usually we don't buy anything - we just mock a few of the weirder items ( mozart balls , anyone?).  the main destination for us, other than the beverage line, is the ornament vendors.  some of th...

how to stay warm...

...when you don't have any heat because the repairman broke the heater when he came over to 'fix' it, and the actual part they need is on backorder til friday (and that's presupposing he knows what to do with said part)! 1.  make a pot of hot tea, drink while wrapping gifts.  be filled with the spirit of the holidays!  and caffeine.  2.  listen to some good music.  this is my 'listening pile,' filled with records i got for my birthday, and a few i picked up on impulse the last time i was at reckless .  3.  find a sun puddle to warm you up.  this one appears to be at capacity, however.  4.  make some tiny snowmen!  pattern:  teeny-tiny mochimochi snowmen pattern yarn:  pick up sticks small balls 5.  carbo-load.  you'll need the extra insulation, and beer makes everything better.  5.  snuggle a cat and bust out the hand-knits.  i'm wearing my honey cowl , my...